Sunday, August 31, 2014

Brew Update

Yes, that is what it looks like. Bottled Scottish strong ale, my mystery brew [Cachaça Honey Wheat Pale Ale aka the Hoppy Octopus]. The APA is finishing, the cider is in secondary,  and I decided to use the yeast cake for a apple, passion fruit cider. The hardest part of home brewing is waiting for it to be ready to drink.

Sunday, August 24, 2014


In retrospect, this probably should have been my first post but I believe I mentioned something about no logic or reason behind these post. 

I'm 28, I'm living in Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro Brasil. This is my 5th time here and I decided to stay here until ... idk, we'll see how it goes.
I started to get into home brewing back in the states and got a few of my friends here interested in it. I thought it would be interesting to start the blog to track an American trying to make beer in Brazil. And other random stuff.

If beer and living near beautiful beaches is something that moves you, feel free to donate to the cause

Dinning in Brazil

Like 90% of the waiters here in Brazil are men.
On a related note, service at restaurants here is not so great.

Friday, August 22, 2014

  • Cider
  • Honey Wheat (IPA) <recipe was off so it's very hoppy>
  • American Pale Ale
  • Strong Scotch Ale

Looks like in a week or 2 I'll be bottling.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Brew Day is about to go down


On the slate for today's brewing: Honey Wheat Ale, Strong Scotch Ale, IPA. Got the 'brew stove' assembled and ready to go.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

beer and groceries

today for the 2nd time I saw a guy get a beer out o the cooler at a grocery store, open it, and start drinking it... in the grocery store. I don't know if I'm more surprised that I've seen that more than one time or that I'm apparently the only one that seemed to care when it happened

I'm finally getting around to this blog thing. Of course there's no logic behind doing this now instead of before or later, but here you go. 

Just pitched the yeast for my second batch of cider. I wasn't upset with the results the first time around, but I'm hoping to improve this time around. I'm going to leave it in primary for a few weeks then add a little cinnamon and nutmeg. I'm going to try to back sweeten with concentrate this time instead of sweetener, we'll see what happens. I wanted to brew the APA today but I still don't have a pot to do it in. A friend might have one to lend me, hope it works out because buying beer is decidedly uncool.